Sepialine’s New Year’s Resolution for 2017 was to “Make life easier for the support department.” If you’ve interacted with our support team, you know they work hard, work fast, and are ready for just about any curveball you can throw at them. Late last year, we asked our support team to identify key issues that come up regularly in support calls. If we can remove the most common issues that cause customers to pick up the phone, we’ll have happier customers and a happier support team. And a happy support team is crucial in our office because seriously, we don’t like to hear them complain!
Argos 7.7.0 was released in October 2016 and included some long-standing customer and sales team requests, such as Automatic Print Queue Merging, Data Archiving and KIP System K support. When we flip that “second digit”, it usually means a big change. So when we went from 7.6 to 7.7, it was a big deal internally.
What you may not have noticed is that we’ve snuck out THREE releases since October! Typically in a minor release, we either include one big feature, or several small improvements and bug fixes. Every update since 7.7.0 has been focused on making life easier for our support team.
So here’s a quick rundown of what we’ve done since then:
Argos 7.7.1
Support MacOS Sierra
Track walkup scanning on HP DesignJet and PageWide XL
Fix issue with MacOS client
Fix user push to KIP System K devices
Change “Settings” tab
Argos 7.7.2
Import users from SQL Server
Fix issue with Xerox Convenience Authentication
Fix issue with incorrect Océ Plotwave tracking
Remove legacy tracking components from Manager (PCounter, ZPrinter)
New Communication Service Health Page
Fix issue with Windows prints tracking 3x on Océ devices
Fix issue with Argos Agent service crashing in rare instances
Fix date format issue on UK-specific reports
Fix issue when importing three-tier billing code text files
Fix issue when scheduling data export on 30th day of the month
Argos 7.7.3
Support hostname or IP address connections for Xerox Secure Release
Resolve issue with custom installation process
Resolve issue with device group order when selecting multiple devices
Add support latest Sharp MFPs with Argos OnBoard for Sharp
Mac print queues can be disabled from Argos Manager
Resolve issue with HP Pagewide XL devices reporting incorrect time
Support Windows 10 workstations in Deployment Center
Resolve default project issue in OpCenter Plotworks adapter
Resolve issue with searching filenames in Argos Manager
Resolve tracking issue with KIP adapter in non-English environments
Remove Printing Rules from Manager
Hide MPS tab from Argos Manager
Require valid license for automated tasks
Resolve issue with archive export for non-English environments
Add Secure Release device licensing
That’s a lot of features, and I’ll bet a lot of that seems pretty esoteric. But, if you are an Argos admin, there is probably at least one feature in that list that you’re excited about. And our support team? They are ecstatic.
But all good things must come to an end, and in our next release, we’ll be turning our attention back to our poorly neglected sales team, who are begging and begging for new sexy features so they can sell, sell, sell without the support team losing their minds!