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Fewer Surface Touches with Argos Copy Tracking

Writer: K. VarneyK. Varney

In these bizarre new times, a copier panel smeared with fingerprints can be a scary sight. Even before Covid-19, we knew that users didn't like to be at the copier one second longer than needed. So, Argos let them quickly access the MFP with a prox card and assign copy costs back at their desk – far away from the copier panel. This feature kept users happy and now it keeps them away from shared surfaces. As your customers plan their return to the office, let them know how you and Argos can help.

The Cleanest Copy Tracking Workflow Around

With Argos, your customers hardly need to touch the copier at all. They can log in by waving a prox card, make their copies, and get back to their desk for billing. They are in-and-out after only touching that big “Start” button (maybe with their elbow).

Skip the Panel Altogether

The tiny copier panel was especially frustrating for AEC users billing to projects with multiple tiers. Argos gets users back to their computer to quickly and easily assign those copy costs.


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