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Sepialine Blog
Announcements about Argos & Printerpoint,
as well as helpful tips about our industry.

Aug 27, 2020
Printerpoint's Three-Category Contracts on HP Large Format
Combine Mono and Color Line Categories We’ve heard that folks with HP PageWide XL category-based contracts are consolidating Mono and...

Jul 31, 2020
Fewer Surface Touches with Argos Copy Tracking
In these bizarre new times, a copier panel smeared with fingerprints can be a scary sight. Even before Covid-19, we knew that users...

Jun 10, 2020
Printerpoint Now Supports Canon Duty Counters
With Canon Duty Counters and Printerpoint, there’s a new way to create MPS contracts for Canon imagePROGRAF printers that are both...

May 13, 2020
Argos OnBoard for Ricoh is Updated and It's Awesome
No matter how your customers print, Argos helps you say “Yes” when they ask if your tracking software works with print servers,...

Apr 21, 2020
Customers Are Throwing Your Ink Away!
Printerpoint has a groundbreaking update for you. Now, you can see how much ink was left in a cartridge when it was replaced. The mystery...

Apr 8, 2020
Printerpoint Now Supports HP Small Format
Now you can manage your PageWide A3/A4s alongside your PageWide XLs, or check in on your LaserJets and DesignJets, all at once. Click...
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